
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about cosmetic surgery, as well as patient stories.


Is fat transfer for me?

Why is fat transfer surgery for me? As we start to age, the volume in our faces begins to decrease, causing hollowness and wrinkles that make us appear older. Fat transfer surgery can help to restore the more youthful look of an ageing face and also treat those patients who...

9 ways to make your eyes look more youthful

Open your eyes to 9 ways to look more youthful The eyes are the window to the soul and as we age, our eyes begin to droop, wrinkle and even look a little sad. Lack of sleep, our harsh sun, air pollution, diet and the levels of stress that we...
pros and cons of thread lifts

The Pros and Cons of Thread Lifts

Also known as \'lunchtime facelifts\' for their short and convenient procedure duration (they typically take less than 90 minutes), thread lifts are a popular new cosmetic procedure to minimise signs of ageing. Celebrities from Simon Cowell to Hailey Bieber are reported to have had them done, and they are fast...
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