
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about cosmetic surgery, as well as patient stories.

Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum Hair Loss

Bringing a new life into the world is an extraordinary experience for any woman. However, along with the joys of motherhood, many women face the distressing issue of postpartum hair loss. While it is a common occurrence, understanding its causes, duration, and available treatments can provide reassurance to new mothers....
How does Vaser liposuction work

How Does Vaser Liposuction Work?

Unwanted fat can be a stubborn adversary, resistant to diet and exercise. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have provided innovative solutions to sculpt and contour the body. One such breakthrough is Vaser Liposuction, a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that effectively removes excess fat deposits. In this blog, \"How does Vaser...
How to Get Rid of Wrinkles

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles and Deep Frown Lines

Wrinkles are frustrating and one of the first signs that cause us to feel like we are getting older. As annoying as they may be, wrinkles are a part of life, but learning how to get rid of wrinkles can be simple with the right treatment. Eliminating wrinkles comes down...
What to Wear After Breast Augmentation

What to Wear After Breast Augmentation + Shopping Tips

One of the keys to ensuring a comfortable recovery post surgery is having the correct clothing. Knowing what clothes to wear after breast augmentation will allow you to heal in comfort. The goal is to allow your body to relax while supporting the areas that need it to reduce pain...
what to pack for breast augmentation surgery

What to Pack for Breast Augmentation Surgery + The Survival Kit

Want to know what to pack? Then this post is your Ultimate Breast Augmentation Survival Kit with everything you will need for the surgery. If you are confirmed for breast augmentation - we can help you prepare for the procedure to make sure you are relaxed and achieve the best...
how much weight can you lose with liposuction

How Much Weight Can You Lose with Liposuction

Everyone wants a \'fit\' and attractive body. We want eyes drawn upon eyes with praise and admiration. Unfortunately for some, this enviable body is hard to come by using traditional weight loss methods and dieting without the inevitable need for medical intervention. So, if you ever find yourself asking the...
thread lift recovery

Thread Lift Recovery Time and How Long Does it Last

So you\'ve considered getting a thread lift, but you\'re unsure of its recovery time and how long the results last, right? Well, you\'re not alone. After extensive research and communication with accredited cosmetic doctors, we\'re excited to share with you the ins and outs of thread lift after-care and what...
anti wrinkle injections benefits

The Amazing Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Are you starting to notice more expression lines and wrinkles as the years go on? This inevitable situation can be avoided by anti-wrinkle injections, which when combined with a quality skincare routine, can be a long-lasting treatment to fight against the signs of aging. However, did you know that anti-wrinkle...
nose job vs liquid nose job

The Difference Between A Nose Job And A Liquid Nose Job

Are you unhappy with your nose? The nose job or liquid nose job can help, but which do you choose? If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you\'re not alone. Around 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed yearly! However, the advances of modern technology mean that going under the...
Thread Lift vs Facelift

Thread Lift vs Facelift – Which Is Better For Me?

The number of cosmetic procedures available to reduce sagging skin in various regions of the face is growing. As patients seek methods to create a more youthful contour, the Thread Lift and Facelift procedures are amongst the most popular options. But what is the difference between them? While these procedures...